Thursday, December 19, 2013

Packing Pranks in Place of Presents

Dear Readers, 

Many of you are parents and understand the stress of giving gifts to young children. Every year it seems that there are newer, bigger and better items that our kiddos seem to be aware of making our jobs tracking everything down a little harder. Thankfully, there is reprieve.

On Christmas morning shouts of glee and the post-present opening quiet that settles around the house is reward enough for many devoted moms and dads. For others, pranking is the only way to say, "I love you, but you've driven me to this momentary madness." Comedian Jimmy Kimmel is approaching his third Christmas as the official Grinch jokester, inviting parents to give their children a terrible prank gift while filming their reaction. 

For those of us accustomed to tiny temper tantrums, these responses are but fleeting moments of trouble for a lifetime of hilarity. Check it out and have a great last pre-Christmas weekend!

-The Beck & Masten Buick GMC Team